বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৮ জুন, ২০২০

সুদীপ্ত কোলে

সুদীপ্ত কোলে

সুদীপ্ত কোলে।
আমার ভাগ্নে !

সুদীপ্ত Phd Math, now a professor in the Mathematics Department of Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

ছোট বেলায় সুদীপ্ত তার মামিমার কাছেও অঙ্ক অভ্যাস করেছিল !

সুদীপ্ত কোলে !
ওর ছোটবেলায়
আমি ওকে
নিতাম কোলে !
কখনও বা
কাঁকালে !

Sudipta Kolay v

Sudipta Kolay v


Ph.D. Math

Contact Information

Skiles 151

Sudipta Koly 1v

Sudipta Koly 1v


I am currently the Head TA for Math 1554 in Spring 2020.

Past Teaching

Math 2603 A: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Summer 2019.
Math 2603 K: Introduction to Discrete Mathematics, Spring 2019.
Math 1554 B: Linear Algebra, Fall 2018.

Research Experience for Undergraduates

Braid Coloring of Knots, Summer 2018.
Non-left-orderable Surgeries on 1-bridge Braids, Summer 2017.

Sudipta Kolay 111

I am a graduate student in Mathematics at Georgia Tech. My advisor is John Etnyre.
I received my undergraduate and masters degrees from Chennai Mathematical Institute.

Contact Information

Office: Skiles 151
email id: skolay3 (at) gatech.edu
686 Cherry Street
School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160, USA.

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in Geometric Topology, in particular embeddings, knottings and braidings of manifolds.
I also study Contact and Symplectic Geometry.

I am a graduate student in Mathematics at Georgia Tech. My advisor is John Etnyre.
I received my undergraduate and masters degrees from Chennai Mathematical Institute.

Contact Information

Office: Skiles 151
email id: skolay3 (at) gatech.edu
686 Cherry Street
School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160, USA.

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in Geometric Topology, in particular embeddings, knottings and braidings of manifolds.
I also study Contact and Symplectic Geometry.

Sudipta Kolay !!

Sudipta Kolay 11

Publications and Preprints

Piecewise Linear Genaralized Alexander's Theorem in dimension at most 5. arXiv
Subgroups of the mapping class group of the torus generated by powers of Dehn twists. arXiv
Knot Colorings: Coloring and Goeritz matrices. arXiv
Lifting branched covers to braided embeddings. Preprint available here.
Braid index of knotted surfaces. In preparation.
On a theorem of Hilden, Lozano and Montesionos. In preparation.
Braiding three manifolds in S3× D2 with branch locus a submanifold. In preparation.
Simple Colorings of pretzel knots. Joint with N. Caplinger . In preparation.

Simple Colorings of pretzel knots. Joint with N. Caplinger . In preparation.

Sudipta Kolay

I am a graduate student in Mathematics at Georgia Tech. My advisor is John Etnyre.
I received my undergraduate and masters degrees from Chennai Mathematical Institute.

Contact Information

Office: Skiles 151
email id: skolay3 (at) gatech.edu
686 Cherry Street
School of Mathematics
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0160, USA.

Research Interests

I am primarily interested in Geometric Topology, in particular embeddings, knottings and braidings of manifolds.
I also study Contact and Symplectic Geometry.

Publications and Preprints

Piecewise Linear Genaralized Alexander's Theorem in dimension at most 5. arXiv
Subgroups of the mapping class group of the torus generated by powers of Dehn twists. arXiv
Knot Colorings: Coloring and Goeritz matrices. arXiv
Lifting branched covers to braided embeddings. Preprint available here.
Braid index of knotted surfaces. In preparation.
On a theorem of Hilden, Lozano and Montesionos. In preparation.
Braiding three manifolds in S3× D2 with branch locus a submanifold. In preparation.
Simple Colorings of pretzel knots. Joint with N. Caplinger . In preparation.